Get a Refund By Referring Friends or Joining a Team!
Refer 5 or more participants and get a refund of up to $20.00. Refund works for those who pay CASH, not through a voucher. Your referred friends MUST use the referral link sent to you in your confirmation email. Referrals can not be applied retro-actively; they MUST be through your referral link at the time of registration.
You can also save $5 by joining a team!! The way this works is as follows:
-Participant 1: Signs up first at full price and creates a TEAM. You will have to create a team name and a password so that only your group can sign up with you.
-Participants 2 through 4: Register like normal making sure to join the team, at full price.
-Participant 5 and on: Signs up, joining the team as well, and notices their registration is $5 cheaper! WOO HOO!
Then, a $5 refund is automatically applied to participants 1 through 4 (assuming they paid at least $5.00 for the race, i.e. didn't use a voucher)!
Cool, huh? See our FAQs for more info!